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Checking out the Bristol Stool Chart gives us an indication of how our body is metabolising the foods that we eat. It is not a subject that all of us aspire to discuss, but the more that we learn about this vehicle that we have to live in as we journey through life, the easier that we can make it for ourselves.
On the Bristol Stool Chart …
Having gas, wind and bloat, can be very uncomfortable and painful.
If we live with Gas, Wind, and Bloat and experience the discomfort that it brings it pays to take time to learn about the foods that we eat that may affect our digestion and makes us so sensitive.
Many people that are gluten intolerant do not know that it can cause constipation, that leads onto painful wind, gas and bloating symptoms.
Lactose malabsorption gives the symptoms of diarrhoea, gas, wind and bloat
A fruit allergy – and the most common fruits to cause allergies are apples, kiwi fruit, and peaches – can leave you with severe abdominal pain nausea and Diarrhoea.
Vegetables that are known to cause gas, wind and bloat are cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, and broccoli.
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The post What your Stool Says About Your Gut Health appeared first on Naturopath Australia.
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